This has been a bad week. Tragedy struck our family and we've all been reeling a little. It is always a little sad living far from family but it is extremely hard when you'd like to just give a hug and sit silently together - because there are no words. Makes me want to treasure each moment with this little girl and my little family.
To that end, I use this blog like a record book for us, so excuse me while I post strictly about Lane because I know one day I will not remember what she was like, right now at this moment.
Lane took her first steps on Father's Day - right before 13 months. When she first started walking it was half crawling, half walking and now she's almost running. Crawling is completely gone. She has this crazy vocabulary all of the sudden (all done, bye bye, chicken, dog, Neeko, Barbara - our neighbor, Minda - our other neighbor, Bobo - her friend, mama, dada, bird, up, open, mailbox, blower - we do yard work together, baby, toes, ear, nose, mouth, goes on and on) and she learns new words every day. She's sweet. She gives hugs and kisses and she wants to cuddle. She wants to be up in your arms all the time (uppa, uppa) and I will continue to carry her as long as I can. She loves her carriers still and sometimes when she's super clingy I just put her in there and go on with my day. My neighbor came outside and took a picture of us mowing the yard together yesterday. She is getting her other side of molars, so since there was very little playing by herself, we mowed.
Shy hands: My girl is not very shy, she loves kind faced strangers and new places - always willing to explore. It may take her a couple minutes to get her bearings and access the situation, but then she's happy - like at Daddy's office - where she wanders around playing with office supplies and things that people hand her. That being said, when she's a little timid about something she clasps her hands together by her belly or her back and sort of sways....'should I touch this?', 'should I trust this person'? It's sweet. I'm sure it will be gone soon like so many things from her first year.
Separation Anxiety: It strikes unexpectedly and without warning. She will wave bye bye to me when I leave her with her sitter or with daddy, but I'll get up to grab a load of laundry when we've been playing for a little while and she loses her stuff. When it strikes she is incapable of moving to follow me wherever it is that I'm going, she just stands there, paralyzed, crying. Usually it involves a bit of clumsiness and a dramatic fall down as well. SA peaks around 18 months, so we're just trying to ease her fears until then. Yes, Mommy will return from the laundry room, it's okay.
All Done: She tells us she is 'all done' all the time. She also tells me that I am 'all done' all the time. If my conversation is taking too long, she tells me 'all done, bye bye'. If I am working at my desk too long 'all done'. If we've been at the grocery store too long 'all done'. The first thing I hear on the monitor when she wakes up from her nap 'all done' then 'open' when she gets to the door to her room. Done with bath time? 'all done'. Done eating 'all done'. This was the one sign language thing that stuck....a little too well, but it's nice at the same time.
I love being Lane's mommy. I have no doubt that she will continue to amaze and challenge me as she grows up. Thanks for indulging a mommy.
A few recent pictures:
So I found an old style cozy coupe in rough shape on Craigslist. Dave thought I was nuts but there is this 'pimp your cozy coupe' trend on the internet...and I am always looking for a re-use project....
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