Friday, April 5, 2013

Baby on the Move

This morning I went to visit a friend who has a new baby. They look like they're doing great, but seeing that tiny little unpredictable baby made me so happy that I am past that phase. The crawling and pulling up definately adds a new dimension to our lives, but I'll take it over meltdowns and spitting up and constant feeding. I am so much more sympathetic to brand new mommies now.
On the business front, I finally obtained my GDOT Woman Owned Business Certification. This, along with the City/County certification should help me to market myself as time goes on. Lots of proposals this month - note to self -  proposal writing and vacation cut into billable work which cuts into my paycheck.  
On the food front, I am truly starting to really enjoy providing new and interesting foods to this kiddo. She can pretty much eat what we eat now, I just put it on her tray and she smiles and self-feeds. I try to make sure there is a fruit or veggie, a protein and a carb at each meal, and I try to introduce new things pretty often. So far her favorites are avocado, kiwi, blueberries, beans, oranges, strawberries, a little cheese (she'll eat the strong ones - I am excited to introduce them) yogurt and olives (salty treat). I am trying to avoid processed foods and am only giving her whole wheat and veggie pastas on occasion. I know that kids get pickier as the get older, so I hope if she sees us eating these same foods she wont know any different....pipe dreams.
As evidenced by the background of the 45 week photo, we have a 'sitting room' that has turned into a 'play room'. I cannot believe this has happened to us. 
Standing baby prisoner thinks she's pretty cool.

I think this is one of my favorites. Very 'us'. She loves her chickens and riding on that Daddy.
Usually as he's headed out the door with the chicken food I hear 'don't eat the chicken food' and
see the baby's hand in the orange bucket. Yes, she grabbed the chicken shortly after this picture
and yes, the chicken survived.

Fun with flashlights.


  1. heh, your posts are starting to make me chuckle ;)

    1. yeah, I used to be funnier and am trying to get back to that. Do I have more time with you? When are you leaving?

