What a rollercoaster of a trip. It began with a flight delay out of Savannah making it unlikely that we'd make our connection. Next we were seated in the very back of the plane in the bathroom - or we might as well have been. Then a crazy guy (literally mumbling to himself and dressed in a flourescent green air traffic control vest) insisted that I move so that he could go to the bathroom (hello, we've been sitting there waiting on the plane in the airport for an hour and a half - why couldn't you have gone there). When he exited, Dave said he felt like we had just gone to the bathroom with him. 'May we zip up your fly? - offer you a wipe?'. The flight made good time, and we rushed to our next gate to find out that this flight was also delayed. Win. Then they kept delaying it...over and over...for 4 hours. Bummer. Then we got on the plane. Win. Then some rednecks who had been drinking during the delay had to be removed from the plane for being too drunk and they took an hour to find their luggage. Bummer. Then they broke the door while getting them out. Double bummer.Then they let us off the plane. Then they had us get back on. Then they let people off the plane again. Then they fixed the door. All in all it took six hours....getting us into Vegas at eleven....two in the morning our time. Our kid was a trooper. Not one meltdown, all smiles. Win. We were not all smiles. Then we saw the line for the cabs. Bummer. We got in to the hotel and met my Dad and went to sleep. In the morning Lane and I did a quick grocery stroller run. The trip went better from there, we had three fantastic dinners, saw an Eagles concert - baby slept through the first part and rocked out the last part on Daddy's shoulders. Dad won some money, Dave won some money. Win. Dad got to hang out with Baby Lane. Win. We got to see my Grandmother and Lane liked her a lot. Win. The flight home we got an upgrade to first class (thanks James!). Big win. And now we're home. It went fast, too fast.
Lane started crawling a couple days before we left for our trip. She began pulling up at the same time. Now she is determined to perfect those two skills. She has also discovered the magic that is Daddy. She was in her carrier falling asleep as we were getting on the plane. I went up the plane stairs ahead of Dave who was still down below the plane loading the baggage onto the cart outside. When I sat down in the window seat, her head shot up and she yelled 'Dada' when she saw him out of the window. Since we've been home and he's not around during the day she says 'dada' all day long. A couple of trip pics...we did not take our good camera, so the phone pics will have to work.
This is the face she is giving me when I am trying to get her to sleep at night.
It usually precedes her mouthing my face and makes me laugh...which prolongs things. |
She did some bouncing with Great Grandmommy |
Yes, she is waving at the camera. |
Planking on Daddy |
Climbing Daddy |
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