We are back. In a whirlwind of flights, rides, hugs, carseat buckling and un-buckling we saw, loved and enjoyed family and friends. It went by fast, too fast, like everything else in the past year. This time last year I was finishing up my last week at my old company and setting up my brand new home desk with a baby due. I remember the excitement of picking out my desk chair on my lunch break. I was so pregnant and so happy. This year I had my first interview for County work yesterday. I made the short list (three firms out of nine that submitted) which makes me happy all by itself, but would love to get this job. It's a park master plan (the site visit involved taking Lane to the park) for a medium-sized urban space, and I know I could do a good job. I think the interview went well, but the other older firms have a big advantage over me so I feel like I am sort of a long shot. There was a time when I would have been very nervous about an interview like that, but now that I am a Mom, juggling much more, it seems like small stuff. If I can manipulate a baby schedule, get dinner cooked, get the floor clean, prepare for a presentation, grocery shop, respond to emails and work on first birthday invites then I can certainly answer some off the cuff questions about my philosophies on park planning. I will hear back within the next few days.....and regardless of whether or not I got the job, I'll have a glass of wine in celebration - not pregnant but still so happy.
Each week I have a list of 'musts' and a list of 'want to's'. Sometimes all I get done are musts (which means the house is a total disaster at the end of the week and I am a mild head case) and sometimes I get to pull from both lists. I am feeling a balanced week ahead...a little bit of park or pool time with the baby and a little bit of billing and drawing. A few birthday presents arrived in the mail while we were gone. I am excited to open them and also a little sad that my baby who enjoyed her dining room cruising obstacle course this morning is so close to being one, to walking, to talking. I know that letting her go falls onto the 'must' list....I just don't want to.
#5. Mouth-hand. You use your mouth as a spare hand when you're crawling. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but if you want to bring some cumbersome item along with you when you crawl, you put it in your mouth. It's pretty funny.
#4. The getaway. You think it is so funny to crawl away for something that you're not supposed to have. You've started to crawl faster and squeal if I come after you as you head for whatever it is that you want. I know I wont think this is funny when you're walking and faster, but I enjoy it now. We're working on 'not in mouth', 'not for babies', etc. and I think you are starting to understand - but I like the spark of 'you can't get me' that I am starting to see.
#3. Little miss independent. New place? no problem...off you go. Daddy and I watched at the park over the weekend as you crawled fearlessly away from us and toward the ball and water bottle in the middle of the field. When you're tired or hungry we're your people but most of the time you're all about the new and novel. Keep going, keep meeting, keep holding out your arms for new people.
Our photographer friends took some impromptu pictures of Lane at the beach last week. They seem to be cataloguing our lives with her and I love it. We're going to do a first birthday shoot as well, but these are too good not to share. I still owe a 49 week pic, but these can do for now. I hope you all have a balanced week this week. Thank you for the gifts for my little one, we feel very loved even though you are all far away.
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