Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The baby picture project, life these days

So two weeks have passed and baby girl is growing and thriving. We have decided to take weekly pics of her to document how she changes over the next year, her first two are above and we'll take her three week tomorrow. Her personality is slowly revealing itself, but mostly she is just eating and sleeping with some happy awake times in between. She is getting much better at focusing her eyes, and I am getting better at recognizing what she wants before an all-out meltddown is required. We said goodbye to Dave's Mom on Sunday, she was a huge help and is so in-love with Lane. Mommy and baby are getting into our own routine, figuring out what works and what doesn't. Nursing is a painful challenge, but worth the rewards so I am hanging in there. I am slowly becoming a Mom, though it really still hasn't set in yet that she is the same little being that I carried for so long.

Bath time with Daddy
Dave and Lane are getting a bath time/bed time ritual going. She seems to enjoy the water, and it's a chance for him to spend time together now that he's back at work. Dave is becoming a Daddy, and watching him with her is incredible. More pics below of life these days.
The daily walk
Dock time with Grandmommy
Learning the benefits of the Moby Wrap
Dock time with Mommy
Proud Grandmommy
One of her favorite spots


  1. Yay! Ive been patiently stalking my google reader for an update :) She is so so beautiful!

  2. Parenting tip #1 from someone who doesn't have any kids: Stop walking down the middle of the road!


